Resenha: A identidade literária de Harriet Beecher Stowe através da leitura de A cabana do pai Tomás


  • Isabel Mendes Gonçalves Governo do Estado do Amapá


Identidade literária, Literatura americana, Negritude


This review proposes to discuss the literary identity of the American Writer Harriet Beecher Stowe in her most successful book Uncle’s Tom cabin, using, for that, the analyzes made on the identity of Ricouer, Ortis and Munanga. Taking into account criteria such as the time of publication and the abolitionist ideology declared by the author and her family, excerpts were raised with expressions that address prejudice against blacks, and with this, the stereotype of it as being just a commodity, in addition to describing the entire ratial segregation experienced by slaves in the late nineteenth centyry in the United States. Fragments were also highlighted that exposed the image of society at that time, which saw the need for reforms based on the expansion of Protestantism. The author also described several accounts of runaway slave narratives. What she proposed was, not only, to report the difficulties faced by slaves, but also to denounce the atrocities passed by blacks in their country, a country that claimed to be Christian and a place of freedom. What was observed was a relationship between the author's identity and the composition of this novel, since when idealizing Tom, Stowe identifies him not as a hero, but as a martyr.


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How to Cite

Mendes Gonçalves, I. (2022). Resenha: A identidade literária de Harriet Beecher Stowe através da leitura de A cabana do pai Tomás. Frontería evista o rograma e Pós-Graduação m iteratura omparada, 2(2), 139–145. etrieved from