The Brazilian Northeast, the dialectic of universal literature and the new generation of writers
Brazil, 2021. Torto Arado, published in 2019 by Todavia publishing house, the first novel written and published by Bahian Itamar Vieira Júnior, wins all the most important awards in Portuguese language literature, starting with Leya, through Oceanos to the celebrated Jabuti. The achievement of Torto Arado is unprecedented in the history of recent literature. No novel has ever moved the market this much, nor has it taken the proportion of this one. Among the news most accessed by the reading public, one of them, published by the very popular Veja magazine, states in its title that Torto Arado gives a new breath to the regional novel. But does it still make sense to debate Regional and Universal in literature today?
BOSI, A. (1997). História concisa da literatura brasileira. 35.ed.São Paulo: Cultrix.
DALCASTAGNÉ, R. (2012). Literatura Contemporânea Brasileira, um território contestado. São Paulo, Brasil: Brasiliense.
CANDIDO, A. (2004). O direito à literatura. In: Vários Escritos. São Paulo: Duas Cidades.
DELEUZE, G e PARNET, C. (1997). Kafka: por uma literatura menor. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, Diálogos.
Outras Referências
FIGUEREDO, E. (2020). Notas sobre o romance regional retirado de Ultimo acesso: 27 de fevereiro de 2020.
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