Quevedo returning


  • Héctor Mendes escritor independiente




In this work I present notes elaborated from the poetry of Quevedo intertwined with my experiences. Through a narrative entangled with the Baroque resonates a close, familiar voice that is immediately linked to our ways of existing and feeling reality, making the Spanish poet a "contemporary". Our time is a present where diverse historical times are juxtaposed, I show that among the multiple underground aspects that nourish that temporal complexity, Quevedo’s texts (and not only of him), have been able to articulate themselves with the experiments of symbolism, surrealist poetry and the colloquialisms of the avant-garde. Likewise, the presence and echoes of Quevedo in Spanish and American poetry deepen the passage of time, the brevity of life and the joys and misadventures of love that are attracted to the great thematic nucleus, which illuminates and defines the remaining nuclei: the consciousness of death.


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How to Cite

Mendes, H. (2022). Quevedo returning. Frontería evista o rograma e Pós-Graduação m iteratura omparada, 3(1), 33–55. etrieved from https://revistas.unila.edu.br/litcomparada/article/view/3555



Escritas fronteiriças: conexões culturais às margens da literatura