On Borders With the Word of Others: Interview with José Carlos Sebe Bom Meihy
Brazilian literature, oral history, autobiographyAbstract
A series of face-to-face and textual conversations between interviewer and interviewee over the past four years preceded the idea of including the latter with the other articles that make up the dossier. Professor Meihy's intellectual career, his extensive scientific and publicity work, and his tireless dedication to teaching, represent in an exemplary way a transdisciplinary dimension in university literature studies that departs from the paradigm of cultural studies. In the tradition of humanistic knowledge, he can be considered simply a historian, that is, a disciplined professional who produces and transfers knowledge from this area of the social sciences; for his curiosity and the wide range of his interests, he goes beyond the borders with contributions that certainly deserve attention from theorists and comparatists of literature.
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