artigo Meu tio Roseno, a cavalo e uma viagem pelos entrecéus da memória


  • José Francisco Moreira Gularte Gularte Unicentro


Wilson Bueno; memória; viagens; sobrinho narrador.


Abstract: This article addresses some aspects of the novel Meu tio Roseno, on horseback, by Wilson Bueno, which concern the issue of memory. To do so, we revisit works that deal with concepts and discuss memory, mainly through social, philosophical and historical biases. The work under analysis deals with a journey in which the character Roseno tries to find his wife Doroí, who is about to give birth to Andradazil, the couple's first child. The story of the traveling uncle is narrated by his nephew, although it took place when he was not yet born. To the chronological time of the trip, the memories and stories of Roseno's past are superimposed; these fragments of the past are later collected by the narrator nephew, who reconstructs and relates his uncle's memories. In the first chapter of our research we briefly discussed the concepts of memory; in the second chapter we bring elements of Bueno's novel relating them to the question of memory, examining it as an element of recovery and reinterpretation of the past, both with regard to the work of fiction and with regard to historical events related to the context of the novel. As a theoretical framework, the theoretical assumptions of Maurice Halbwachs, Jöel Candau, Jeanne Marie Gagnebin, Michael Pollak, Henri Bergson, among others.



How to Cite

Gularte, J. F. M. G. (2023). artigo Meu tio Roseno, a cavalo e uma viagem pelos entrecéus da memória. Frontería evista o rograma e Pós-Graduação m iteratura omparada, 3(2). etrieved from



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