A leitura literária infanto-juvenil no ensino básico

desafios para os gestos de leitura


  • Sandro Luis Silva Universidade Federal de São Paulo


reading; children's literature; classroom; dialogism


Teaching literature in basic education, especially in the early and final years, is a challenge for schools. When bringing the reading of children's literary texts to the classroom, it is necessary for the teacher to establish a dialogical relationship between the student, the text (in its different discursive literary genres), their culture and the reality in which the student is situated. inserted. It is necessary to create conditions for the student to work on the story from their point of view. This article seeks to discuss the importance of literary reading in the formation of a critical reader, having as a theoretical basis the studies of Novelli (1997) regarding the conception of the classroom, Bakhtin (2011) regarding the dialogical relationship, in addition to Jouve (2002) and Kleiman (2004) and Pêcheux (2014) regarding reading. To deal with children's literature, we rely mainly on Coelho (2000) and Lajolo and Zilberman (2003). Next, we present a possible reading gesture exercise in pedagogical practice based on the text Black Princes, by Ariane Celestino Meireles and Edileuza Penha de Souza, with illustrations by Juba Rodrigues, published in 2018, by Editora Malé, Rio de Janeiro. Through the discussion brought, we affirm that working with the reading of children's literary texts at school is opening up the possibility of looking at the world, at others and at oneself, seeking the construction of the being as a subject of a society. And this entire journey needs to be mediated by the teacher.


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How to Cite

Silva, S. L. (2024). A leitura literária infanto-juvenil no ensino básico: desafios para os gestos de leitura. Frontería evista o rograma e Pós-Graduação m iteratura omparada, 4(2). etrieved from https://revistas.unila.edu.br/litcomparada/article/view/4605