Teaching literature in English language subject in 8th grade classes of elementary education in Fortaleza municipal school.


  • Nivea Thaine Lima Arrais Lemos Universidade Federal do Ceará


Literature, English language, Public school, Elementary school, Edgar Allan Poe


Teaching in the Brazilian public network presents many deficiencies already known to many: insufficient resources, unevenness of students with their grades, inadequate assessment system, among others. Furthermore, the lack of taste for reading is a problem not only for students, but for the entire Brazilian population. What does not contribute much to improving this scenario is the literature teaching system in some schools, focused on classifications of literary schools and information on authors and styles, uninteresting for young people in general and separated from any reading of literary texts in the school environment. Cosson (2006) defends the need for literature as a necessary experience in schools in order to “make the world understandable”. In a similar way, Cândido (1988) assures that the right to literature is as basic as any “incompressible good” as it guarantees spiritual integrity. This article proposes, inspired by Cosson's basic sequence in his Letramento Literário: teoria e prática, to reflect on the application of a didactic sequence of literature classes based on the text of The Tell-Tale Heart, by Edgar Allan Poe within English classes in an 8th grade class at a public school in Fortaleza.

Keywords: literature, English language, public school, elementary education, Edgar Allan Poe


CANDIDO, Antonio. O direito à literatura. p. 177. In: __. Vários Escritos. 5 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Ouro sobre Azul/ São Paulo: Duas Cidades, 2011.

COSSON, Rildo. Letramento Literário: teoria e prática. São Paulo: Contexto, 2006.

JUNG, Annette. The Tell-Tale Heart. YouTube, 21 de agosto de 2013. Disponível em: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDLLHTdVSgU Acesso em: 30 de junho. 2023

LIGHT, Steve. Black Bird Yellow Sun. Massachusets: Candlewick Press, 2018.

OATES, Joyce Carol. A história de uma viúva. Rio de Janeiro: Alfaguara, 2013

POE, Edgar Allan. Contos de imaginação e mistério; prefácio de Charles Baudelaire; tradução de Cássio de Arantes Leite. O coração delator. São Paulo: Tordesilhas, 2012.

POE, Edgar Allan. The Tell-Tale Heart. 1843. Disponível em: https://poemuseum.org/the-tell-tale-heart/ Acesso em: 30 de junho de 2023.



How to Cite

Lima Arrais Lemos, N. T. (2024). Teaching literature in English language subject in 8th grade classes of elementary education in Fortaleza municipal school. Frontería evista o rograma e Pós-Graduação m iteratura omparada, 4(2). etrieved from https://revistas.unila.edu.br/litcomparada/article/view/4607