o papel do professor como mediador da leitura.


  • Andréia Leal dos Santos UFT
  • Rebeca Mendes Garcia UFT


Leitura; Mediação; Práticas de Leitura.




        Training fluent readers is one of the main and most coveted objectives of schools, because, through reading, critical and active subjects can be formed in social life. In this context the teacher plays an important role in this task, since as a mediator in the teaching process, he must develop practices that contribute to the development of his students reading. This article aims to analyze how teachers in the early years of Elementary School develop reading practices with their students. The process of training readers is one of the main educational foundations, as reading is fundamental for the critical social and intellectual development of students. The role of the teacher is crucial in this context, participating as a mediator to promote reading practices in students.

     As a methodological path for this work, field research with qualitative and descriptive analysis was chosen, considering that the valorization of the process and the analysis of the specificities involved in the context can be much more discovered when there is a social interaction between the subject and the researcher.

        Preliminary results indicate that the teacher’s role as mediator is fundamental for encouraging reading. Strategies such as debates, encouraging the choice of different literary genres and discussing relevant topics have a significant impact on the development of reading skills and the formation of critical and participatory human beings in society.


Author Biography

Rebeca Mendes Garcia, UFT

Mestre em Letras pela Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT) e graduanda em Direito (UFT). Atualmente, exerce o cargo de Técnica em Assuntos Educacionais na Universidade Federal do Tocantins e ministra aulas de Língua Portuguesa e Redação na Específica de Português Entrelinhas. É autora do romance "Ainda que me custe a vida", publicado em 2021. Ademais, desenvolve pesquisas acerca de literatura e sociedade, letramento literário, literatura e direito.



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How to Cite

Leal dos Santos, A., & Mendes Garcia, R. (2024). LEITURA E MEDIAÇÃO PEDAGÓGICA: o papel do professor como mediador da leitura . Frontería evista o rograma e Pós-Graduação m iteratura omparada, 4(2). etrieved from https://revistas.unila.edu.br/litcomparada/article/view/4614