Estereótipos da ausência materna no filme Que horas ela volta?


  • Natielle Oliveira Souza UNEB


Estereótipo; Discurso; Ausência Materna; Que horas ela volta?.


How stereotypes surrounding maternal absence are constructed and updated in the film The Second Mother. This is the question that motivated this research. The objective of the study is to investigate, from a discursive perspective, how these stereotypes in the film in question are consolidated in a crystallized way in the collective, both in their positive and negative aspects. To this end, the methodological design of this study followed the following paths: at first it was necessary to choose a Brazilian film, this being, Que hora ela volta?, as well as a study about the stereotype in the light of the reflections of the French thinkers Amossy and Pierrot (2022); Subsequently, a selection of authors exploring motherhood was made, with the aim of drawing a timeline of women as mothers; Next, we seek to understand considerations about the statement and its enunciative function in light of the scores of the French philosopher Michel Foucault (2008) and other authors who support the research, regarding discursive conceptions. Secondly, statements and situations present in the film were selected for study and analysis regarding the stereotypes observed. The results indicate that the stereotyped speeches and actions in the film, together with statements made, demarcate situations of searching for truth and building an identity in the face of legitimized maternal absence.


AMOSSY, Ruth; PIERROT, Anne. Estereótipos e Clichês. São Paulo: Contexto, 2022. p. 11- 65.

FOUCAULT, Michel. A ordem do discurso. Trad. Laura Fraga de Almeida Sampaio. 18ª ed. São Paulo: Edições Loyola, 2004.

FOUCAULT, Michel. Arqueologia do Saber. Trad. Luiz Felipe Baeta Neves. 7ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Forense Universitária, 2008.



How to Cite

Oliveira Souza, N. (2024). Estereótipos da ausência materna no filme Que horas ela volta?. Frontería - Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Literatura Comparada, 5(1). Retrieved from