Etimología de conceptos y términos científicos: un recurso importante a utilizar en las clases de ciencias


  • Luis Miño González Profesor de Química por la Universidad de Talca (Chile)
  • Diana Abril Milán Doctora en Química por la Pontificia Uiversidad Católica de Chile



The presence of etymology of scientific concepts in books of natural sciences that the Ministry of Education of Chile gives to the municipal schools of the country was investigated. For this, each thematic unit from 5th to 8th grade was analyzed, based on the key words indicated in the official programs. In addition, the knowledge and use made of the etymology by science teachers was interviewed by some teachers who were trained and in training and others who work in the second basic cycle and a sample of teachers who attended an outdoor camp in the park Conguillío National Park in southern Chile. The analysis of results allows concluding the scarce or null presence of etymology of scientific concepts in the textbooks reviewed, as well as the lack of knowledge and non-use of etymology as a teaching resource by active and in-service teachers.


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Cómo citar

González, L. M., & Milán, D. A. (2019). Etimología de conceptos y términos científicos: un recurso importante a utilizar en las clases de ciencias. Educação Química n unto e ista, 3(1).



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