Dancing between borders:
Peruviam immigration, Identity, Dance, Racial tensionsAbstract
Camila Daniel is a professor at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. She works in the interdisciplinary field between Sociology and Anthropology, developing research and extension on themes related to migratory flows and ethnic-racial relations in the Americas. In her doctoral thesis, she developed a study on Peruvians students mobility in Rio de Janeiro. Currently, she has been analyzing the construction of racial identities in migratory contexts, also the construction of inter-racial and interethnic solidarity networks in contexts of art-activism and the cultural production of Latin American immigrants as a political action in Brazil and the United States. She is also a researcher-activist of Afro-Brazilian popular dances and in this interview she talks about the role of the dance in her path as a researcher, bringing as well her perspective regarding racial tensions she went through in her fieldwork with Peruvians in the United States and in Rio de Janeiro.
DANIEL, Camila. "MORENA": a epistemologia feminista negra contra o racismo no trabalho de campo. Revista Humanidades e Inovação, v.6, n.16, nov 2019. Disponível em: https://revista.unitins.br/index.php/humanidadeseinovacao/issue/view/60 . Acesso em 24 maio 2021.
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