Uma resistência no entre-lugar

a reading of the character Amélia from the novel Chove nos Campos de Cachoeira, by Dalcídio Jurandir


  • Israel Silva Soares Iniversidade Federal do Pará


Keywords: ideological formation, discourse, inferiorization, black women, resistance.


The study aims to focus, in particular, on statements that refer to discursive formations colonies of inferiorization based on color. Therefore, the novel “Chove nos Campos de Cachoeira” by Dalcídio Jurandir brings some characters that corroborate the emergence of rifts between the white man and the black woman. To accomplish this intent, it is necessary to profile the character Amélia as a woman, poor and, above all, black in a social context constituted by the Eurocentric ideological formation. It is in proposing to Amélia that we find a black woman who talks and laughs. The former marks the displacement of his subordination, the latter marks his resistance to the “enunciative events” that are inscribed in an ideological formation. However, the methodology is to study Amélia's actions through authors who draw attention to the black condition, especially women, in the face of inferiority discourses. Writers such as Hugo Achugar, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Frantz Omar Fanon and others guide the position of the character under discussion.


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How to Cite

Silva Soares, I. (2022). Uma resistência no entre-lugar: a reading of the character Amélia from the novel Chove nos Campos de Cachoeira, by Dalcídio Jurandir. Frontería evista o rograma e Pós-Graduação m iteratura omparada, 2(2), 125–138. etrieved from



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