
  • Diana Judit Milstein CIS-CONICET/IDES




This article presents 2 texts -one of them complete- in co-authorship with children, elaborated and edited in 2004 and 2005, respectively. Both present partial results of an ethnographic fieldwork carried out by the author with children in Villa La Florida, Quilmes, Argentina. The texts place readers in a lived and shared time and space as part of a communicative experience intertwined with narrative and organized versions of fieldwork. In 2004, the fieldwork was aimed to study what adult thought about neighbors, the school and recent history of this locality. While in 2005, what did children think about parents, families, jobs, neighborhoods, and schools in that locality. The intention here, is to show that the content, form and genre of these texts meaningfully communicate the local experience spanning diverse domains and areas of both, adults and children. It also seek to confirm the agency of children in their capacity for symbolic production and in the organized constitution of their representations and beliefs. And it strengthens the idea that this elaboration of senses is part of a symbolic system shared with adults.


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How to Cite

Milstein, D. J. (2022). BETWEEN EXPERIENCE AND ETHNOGRAPHIC WRITING: TWO BOOKS CO-AUTHORED WITH CHILDREN. Frontería evista o rograma e Pós-Graduação m iteratura omparada, 3(1), 117–138. etrieved from



Escritas fronteiriças: conexões culturais às margens da literatura