Interpelar a literatura e viver a história:

experiências de aprender e ensinar história com O conto da Aia de Margaret Atwood



Ensino de História e Literatura, Literacia Histórica, Temas Sensíveis, O Conto da Aia, Ensino de História, América Latina


This article aims to weave a critical reflection on the use of Literature as a contribution to the Teaching of History from the discussion of the results of the extension project entitled "Between pages and memories: The Handmaid's Tale as a possibility for teaching and learning in history". Paying attention to the conditions of production, circulation, reception and attribution of meaning to literary work, the project intended to encourage the critical reading of literary works from the historical analysis of "The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood (1985) with the aim of leading students of basic education to think about History with Literature. It is intended, therefore, to explore the possibilities of using literature in History classes as a contribution to the critical understanding of historical processes and the approach of latent and sensitive themes of the contemporary world. In order to illustrate the production and execution of investigative methodologies that allow the interpretation of what is experienced from a fictional novel, we evoke the importance of the triad of research, teaching and extension that sustained the project. We argue that Atwood's speculative fiction can be associated with themes of social and historical interest, which are directly linked to skills and competencies required by the BNCC in the field of applied humanities and social sciences, which covers the area of History in the New High School.


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How to Cite

Fortunato Pena, A. N., & de Noronha, G. C. (2024). Interpelar a literatura e viver a história: : experiências de aprender e ensinar história com O conto da Aia de Margaret Atwood. Frontería evista o rograma e Pós-Graduação m iteratura omparada, 4(2). etrieved from