A chemical look at Minecraft

analysis of possible epistemological obstacles



The presence of digital games among students is constantly growing, from Elementary School to Higher Education. And these games can contain scientific concepts, integrated into their development, which also accompany the player's actions. Thus, it is necessary to analyze these games, so that it is possible to identify how these concepts are approached, and to verify if these concepts can become obstacles to the learning process. An analysis of the concepts of chemistry that appear in the Minecraft electronic game was carried out, focusing on the processes necessary for the release of achievements directly linked to the closing of the game. Through Content Analysis, the relationship between literature and apparent content in the game was established. With these data, it was possible to establish the occasions in which chemical concepts were maintained or distorted, thus characterizing themselves as epistemological obstacles, according to the thought of Gaston de Bachelard. It was then possible to present an overview of the presence of chemical concepts and identification of epistemological obstacles related to the teaching of chemistry within Minecraft's survival mode.

Author Biographies

João Vinícius Bonfim de Gois, Instituto Federal do Paraná - campus Palmas

Licenciando em Química

Sandra Ines Adams Angnes Gomes, Instituto Federal do Paraná - campus Palmas

Professora do Colegiado de Química. Mestra em Química Orgânica.



How to Cite

Gois, J. V. B. de, Gomes, S. I. A. A., & Stadler, J. P. (2022). A chemical look at Minecraft: analysis of possible epistemological obstacles. evista Eletrônica udus cientiae, 6(Contínuo). etrieved from https://revistas.unila.edu.br/relus/article/view/3563