Realismo mágico e cinema de Terceiro Mundo: repressão e resistência no projeto cinematográfico não-filmado de A hora dos ruminantes
Luiz Sergio Person, Jean-Claude Bernardet, José J. Veiga, A hora dos ruminantes, Realismo mágicoAbstract
This article retraces de itinerary of the unfilmed cinematographic project of The plague of the ruminants, within the brazilian and latin american cultural context of 1960s, specially in dialogue with magic realism and the cultural production associated with the third world. We discuss whether The plague of the ruminants could have inaugurated the genre of cinematographic magic realism, within filmmaker Luiz Sergio Person's perspective of "Third World cinema", in partnership with screenwriter Jean-Claude Bernardet. Our article presents unpublished documents, consulted at the collection of Arquivo Nacional, which suggest that The plague of the ruminants didn't concretize because of sabotage and political persecution from the brazilian Military Dictatorship.
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