Um olhar decolonial sobre o projeto de Decreto Legislativo Nº 177/2021


  • Angela Bárbara Lima Saldanha Rêgo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Maranhão


Draft Legislative Decree nº 177/2021; ILO Convention nº 169; Indigenous peoples; Brazilian State-Nation.


I am interested in analyzing the text and the factual context of the proposition by Congressman Alceu Moreira of the Draft Legislative Decree nº 177/2021, which aimed to authorize the President of the Republic to denounce Convention nº 169 of the International Labour Organization - ILO, applicable in the country since 2004, also aiming probable consequences of its approval. To this end, I adopt the decolonial analysis of the documents referred, doing so in the following stages: first, I analyze the paradigmatic change in Brazil’s adoption of ILO Convention nº 169 in 2004; then, I address the explicit and implicit reasons in the Draft Legislative Decree nº 177/2021; and, finally, I present the possible effects of the legal measure to the indigenous peoples. I believe that this investigation is relevant, especially because of the resurgence of violence perpetrated by various actors of Brazilian society against indigenous peoples, such violence not only tolerated, but also encouraged and led by the Brazilian Nation-State itself.



How to Cite

Lima Saldanha Rêgo, A. B. (2023). “PAREM DE NOS MATAR”: Um olhar decolonial sobre o projeto de Decreto Legislativo Nº 177/2021. TEKOA, 3(3). Retrieved from https://revistas.unila.edu.br/tekoa/article/view/3788