O lúdico na formação inicial dos professores de ciências e química das instituições federais do estado de Goiás



In this paper we present the theme of playfulness in initial training, aiming to demonstrate the importance of playful training for teachers of chemistry and science. We developed a qualitative research through a survey and bibliographic reading, bringing as a base author Cardoso (2008 and 2013), and we proceeded to the analysis of the menus of the Undergraduate Chemistry courses of the federal HEIs of Goiás. We present the year of creation of each PPC, in addition to the number of subjects present in each of these documents, highlighting and analyzing those curricular components that address play in the menu and/or references. We noticed that not all educational institutions deal with play in the undergraduate courses in chemistry. The most structured ones are UFG - campus Samambaia and IFG - campus Anápolis, with Soares (2013) as the basic bibliography. We realize that the playfulness is worked in the institutions in question, but it is necessary a more investigative look at the menu, so that it can be more structured and complete.



How to Cite

dos Reis Santos, F., & Lopes Ferreira , G. (2022). O lúdico na formação inicial dos professores de ciências e química das instituições federais do estado de Goiás. evista Eletrônica udus cientiae, 6(Contínuo). etrieved from https://revistas.unila.edu.br/relus/article/view/3011