Ação e reflexão sobre a ação no desenvolvimento da história em quadrinhos “in situ: uma aventura visceral”



This article consists of a reflection on the experience of undergraduate students in Biological Sciences in the construction and development of the comic book "In Situ: A Visceral Adventure", as well as its possible applications in the teaching-learning process. The artifact's development involved three phases: data collection and analysis, creation and documentation, and development. Subsequently, the product was submitted to a validation process by undergraduate students in Biological Sciences and education professionals in the fields of Science and Biology, and the responses were analyzed for their meanings and subjectivities through Content Analysis. The presented comic book features thirteen characters, two hundred and three comic panels, distributed across fifty-eight digitally illustrated and colored pages. In terms of validation, this artifact proved to be an excellent resource for the application of alternative methodologies that actively operate in the teaching of Science and Biology.

Author Biographies

Lucas Evangelista dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Master's degree student in the Post-Graduate Program in Plant Biology (PPGBV) at the Plant Genetics and Toxicology Laboratory of UFES. He holds a bachelor's and a teaching degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). He is currently pursuing a post-graduate degree in Education and Science Communication at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espírito Santo (IFES) since 2023. He has experience in the areas of Natural Products, Molecular Physiology of Plants, and Biological Activities of plant extracts with potential therapeutic use. He was a voluntary Biology teacher in the Enem Comunitário Project at IFES. Additionally, he has experience in Science Communication with an emphasis on the development of didactic materials and comic books.

Arthur de Araújo, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Graduating in a Bachelor's degree program in Biological Sciences at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). Experience in Education, with an emphasis on producing didactic materials and comics for teaching Science.



Henrique Baldo Carlos, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Bachelor's degree (2021) and Teaching degree (2022) in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). Currently enrolled in a postgraduate program in Education and Science Communication at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espírito Santo (IFES) since 2023. Currently studying in a technical course in Digital Game Programming at Vasco Coutinho State Technical Education Center since 2022. Currently working as a collaborator in the Biological Interactions Laboratory (LabIBio) since 2017. Previously participated in the Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Scholarships (PIBIC) (2021-2022) and the Institutional Voluntary Program for Scientific Initiation (PIVIC) (2020-2021). Worked as a scholarship intern for the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) at Romulo Castello State Elementary and High School through the Pedagogical Residence Project (RP) (2020-2022), and at Edna de Mattos Siqueira Gaudio Municipal Elementary School through the Institutional Program for Initiation to Teaching Scholarships (PIBID) (2018-2020). Possesses experience in Ecology, with emphasis on studying the biological interaction between bees and plants, and experience in Science Communication, with emphasis on developing didactic tabletop games and electronic media didactic games.

Larissa de Freitas Almeida, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Master's student in Plant Biology/UFES, Bachelor's and Teaching degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). Worked as a voluntary intern at the Laboratory of Plant Genetics and Toxicology (LGVT) since 2017; as a UFES Scientific Initiation student (2018-2019); as a special education intern for the Vitória City Hall (PMV), at the Orlandina de Almeida Lucas Municipal Elementary School in 2020. Has experience in Natural Products and Biological Activities of Plant Extracts with potential therapeutic use. Also has experience in Scientific Dissemination, with an emphasis on developing didactic board games.

Maria do Carmo Pimentel Batitucci, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Full Professor at the Federal University of Espírito Santo since 1993. Works in the area of Genetics, with research on Mutagenicity and Antimutagenicity Evaluation of Medicinal Plants, Occupational Mutagenesis, Molecular Biology of Plants, and in the area of Science and Biology Teaching, with participation in institutional projects (PIBID, PIIC/UFES, and others) and guidance in undergraduate and graduate student projects. Holds a Ph.D. in Physiological Sciences from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2003), a Master's degree in Genetics and Plant Breeding from the Federal University of Viçosa (1989), with the work "Induction of Chromosomal Aberrations by Gamma Radiation in Corn". Bachelor's degree (emphasis on Genetics) and teaching degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Permanent professor of the Graduate Program in Plant Biology (UFES). Researcher grantee of the Pesquisador Capixaba Program from the Espírito Santo Research Foundation (FAPES).



How to Cite

Evangelista dos Santos, L., de Araújo, A., Baldo Carlos, H., de Freitas Almeida, L., & Pimentel Batitucci, M. do C. (2023). Ação e reflexão sobre a ação no desenvolvimento da história em quadrinhos “in situ: uma aventura visceral”. evista Eletrônica udus cientiae, 7. etrieved from https://revistas.unila.edu.br/relus/article/view/4097



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