I Am Fish, an opening for the analysis of digital games in science education and philosophical-cultural studies



This work aims to: (i) develop an analytical guide for the study of informal educational digital games, considering them as artifacts capable of providing learning inside and outside the classroom; (ii) conduct an analysis based on the created tool, using the game "I Am Fish" as a reference. The strategy's development occurred in the interrelation between the Values at Play approach and learning content, establishing theoretical relationships that guided the analysis of the knowledge we can acquire in informal games and the values they express. The investigation of the game revealed contributions to the teaching of Biology and Physics, as well as reflections on the use of human values in contexts broader than the human, a perspective on the Anthropocene, and the sympoiesis of consciousness.

Author Biography

Roberto Dalmo Varallo Lima de Oliveira , UFPR

Licenciado em Química pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (2012),Doutor em Ciência, Tecnologia e Educação pelo CEFET-RJ (2017). Atualmente, é professor da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). Coordenador da Coleção Culturas, Direitos Humanos e Diversidades na Educação em Ciências. Atua nos programas de pós-graduação em Educação (PPGE) e Educação em Ciências e em Matemáticas (PPGECM) com os temas Estudos Culturais da Ciência e Tecnologias; Relações entre Ciências, Artes e filosofias.



How to Cite

Lefebvre, R., & Varallo Lima de Oliveira , R. D. (2024). I Am Fish, an opening for the analysis of digital games in science education and philosophical-cultural studies. Revista Eletrônica Ludus Scientiae, 8, 122–137. Retrieved from https://revistas.unila.edu.br/relus/article/view/4635