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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The journal receives contributions preferably from authors entitled with a master degree. Students that are interested in publishing must submit as co-authors a text written with an orientator.


Authors information (full name, institution filiation, Orcid and CV) must be given in “Comments to the editor” during the submission process.

The journal receives contributions preferably from authors entitled with a master degree. Students that are interested in publishing must submit as co-authors a text written with an orientator.


Authors information (full name, institution filiation and Orcid) must be given in “Comments to the editor” during the submission process.



1. The first page of the text must contain just:

a) Title: Times New Roman, size 14, bold, centralized, capital letter;

b) Summary: Times New Roman, size 10, single space (1,0), justified, maximum of 300 words. “Summary” must be in bold;

c) Key words: from 3 up to 5, separated by “;”. Must be below the summary. Times New Roman, size 10, single space (1,0), justified. “Key words” must be in bold;

d) The article mustn’t contain any type of identification of the author, respecting the blind evaluation. Submissions with any kind of identification of the authors will be promptly eliminated;

e) Title, summary and key words must be in Portuguese, Spanish and English;

f) All this content has to fit the first page of the piece, can not exceed to the next pages. Click here to visualize an example.

2. The development of the article must begin on the second page. Click here to visualize an example.

a) Text: Times New Roman, size 12, space 1,5, justified, 1,25 cm first paragraph line indentation;

b) Section: numbered, bold, 0 cm indentation (Introduction, Final Considerations and Bibliographic References mustn’t be numbered). Example: 1. First Section;

c) Subsection: numbered title, bold and 1,24 cm indentation. Example: 1.1 Subsection;

d) Long direct quotations (more than 3 lines): Times New Roman, size 10, single space (1,0), 4 cm indentation, justified, without quotation marks; 18 pt space between the prior and the following paragraph;

e) Footnote: must be used just as explanation notes and not to references, Times New Roman, size 10, single space (1,0), justified;

f) Page size: A4; Margin: Superior and Left 3 cm, Inferior and Right 2 cm;

g) Space between paragraphs: 10 pt in all the text;

h) The entire text must have around 15 and 25 páginas (including summary, notes and bibliography);

i) All the quotes adopted through the text must be listed in the bibliography;

j) The pieces must be elaborated using the system author/date, according to the ABNT rules. Example: (AUTHOR, YEAR, p. X);

k) Quotes and bibliographic references must follow ABNT rules.

l) Regarding the bibliography, the norm is:

1. References for books with one author:

LAST NAME, Name. Title. Edition number, volume (in case there is). City: publishing house, year of publication.


SARFATI, Gilberto. Teorias de Relações Internacionais. 1 ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2005.

2. References for books with up to three authors:

PAULANI, Leda; BRAGA, Márcio Bobik. A nova contabilidade social: Uma introdução à macroeconomia. 4. ed. rev. e atual. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2012.

3. In cases which the book has more than three authors, utilize the latin expression et al., like the example:

MARTINS, Eliseu et al. Manual de contabilidade societária: aplicável a todas as sociedades: de acordo com as normas internacionais e do CPC. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Atlas, 2013.

4. In the event of a quote from a book or piece that has several authors and a coordinator, write first the name of the responsible/coordinator. Then abbreviate the type of involvement of the responsible like organizer, compilator, editor, translator, coordinator, etc.). Look at the example:

KARNAL, Leandro. (org.). História dos Estados Unidos. São Paulo: Contexto, 2011.

For other kind of sources, the same norm must be followed:

5. References for book chapters:

LAST NAMES, Names. Title of the piece with quotation marks followed by the name of the organizer and of the book (this one in bold). City of publication: publishing house, year of publication.


VALLS PEREIRA, Lia Baker. “As relações econômicas Brasil-China: do comércio para o investimento”. In: JAGUARIBE, Ana [Org.] Direction of Chinese Global Investments - Implications for Brazil. Brasília: FUNAG, 2018.

6. References for journal articles:

LAST NAME, Name. Title of the article. Journal’s name (in bold), volume, number, period and date of publication.


KYRILLOS, Gabriela M.; STELZER, Joana. Inclusão da Interseccionalidade no âmbito dos Direitos Humanos. Revista Direito e Práxis, vol. 12, n. 01, p. 237-262, 2021.

7. References when the author is an institution:

INSTITUTION'S NAME. Title. Place of publication, year of publication.


IPEA – INSTITUTO DE PESQUISA ECONÔMICA APLICADA. Brasil em desenvolvimento: Estado, planejamento e políticas públicas. Brasília, 2010.

8. References to monographies, thesis, dissertations and articles:

LAST NAME, Name. Title. Place of publication, year of deposit, number of pages. Type - Faculty/Institute/Center, university, city, year of defense.


TABAK, Jana. As vozes de ex-crianças soldado: reflexões críticas sobre o programa de desarmamento, desmobilização e reintegração das Nações Unidas. Rio de Janeiro, 2009, 169f. Dissertação de Mestrado – Instituto de Relações Internacionais, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2009.

9. Referencia del trabajo consultado a través de Internet:

CASTRO, Thiele da Costa Müller et al. Em tempos de Coronavírus: home office e o trabalho feminino. Novos Rumos Sociológicos, v. 8, n. 14, p. 40–64, ago./dez 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 ago. 2021.

10. Reference for laws and decrees:

COUNTRY, STATE OR TOWN. Law or decree n°, day, month and year, Emend. Publication, place of publication, edition (if it exists), city, volume (if it exists), year.


BRASIL. Decreto nº 89.271, de 4 de janeiro de 1984. Dispõe sobre documentos e procedimentos para despacho de aeronave em serviço internacional. Lex: Coletânea de Legislação e Jurisprudência, São Paulo, v. 48, p. 3-4, 1984.

The pieces must be in Portuguese, Spanish or English and follow the ABNT formatting rules.

Omissive cases must follow the ABNT rules.

Fluxo contínuo

Formatação de artigos da seção acompanham as normatizações apresentadas acima e o modelo disponível. Os trabalhos completos devem ter entre 15 e 25 páginas (incluindo resumos, notas e bibliografia).

Acesse o template para artigos clicando aqui. As seguintes informações devem concentrar-se apenas na primeira lauda, não podendo exceder as laudas subsequentes:

a. Título; 
b. Resumo de no máximo 200 palavras. 
c. Palavras-chave: de 3 a 5, separadas por ponto e vírgula, apresentadas logo após o resumo;
d. Título, resumo e palavras-chave devem estar em Português, Inglês e Espanhol. 


Seção com enfoque em publicações acadêmicas no formato temático do dossiê referencial. Os trabalhos devem ser enviados como consta acima nas diretrizes para autoras/es e conforme o template para artigos, que você pode acessar clicando aqui


As entrevistas devem ser inéditas, contar com a autorização da pessoa entrevistada para sua publicação, e corresponder ao recorte temático da Revista Espirales. O texto deve seguir as normas estabelecidas nas Diretrizes para Autoras/es, e ter extensão máxima de 10 páginas. Acesse o template para entrevistas clicando aqui.


As resenhas devem ter caráter crítico, de maneira a apresentar as ideias centrais da obra, assim como as principais considerações da/o resenhista sobre o seu conteúdo. Serão aceitas resenhas inéditas de obras que tratam sobre a América Latina. O texto pode ter extensão máxima de até 5 páginas. Acesse o template para resenhas clicando aqui.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.