



Leisure , Free time , Consumption , Alienation, Expropriation


This article was developed within the framework of the bibliographic research titled Leisure and Politics. Leisure and recreation in Colombia during the first decade of the 20th and 21st centuries, whose purpose is to examine the political directions related to leisure and recreation in government plans during these time periods. For this purpose, the notions of alienation, expropriation, neo-imperialism, reproduction, consumption, and risk were fundamental to the analysis of the social functioning of the field. The influence of virtuality and digitalization in the deepening of expropriation and precarization is highlighted, by making the figure of the oppressor more distant in the historical relations of subjugation. They themselves are the structural basis of disorganization wich facilitates political apathy and postpones the transformation of the precarious labor relationships. In conclusion, both leisure and free time are determined by utilitarian and extractivist rationality of vast effects in all the spaces of the existence of individuals and collectives today. From the perspective of the resonance and unavailability, these areas may represent alternatives for breaking the forms of being and existing, marked by social acceleration and imposed by the capitalist regime of expropriation and dispossession. 


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How to Cite

Molina Bedoya, V. A., & Osorio Linares, L. M. (2024). LEISURE, CONSUMPTION AND EXPROPRIATION. Espirales Journal, 8(2), 239–255. https://doi.org/10.29327/2336496.8.2-12