

Granada Revolution , Paulo Freire, Libertarian Education


Paulo Freire actively participated in the construction of national literacy and cultural action programs in different regions, countries and cultures of the planet. He was invited to these places because his political-pedagogical proposal aims for human beings to find their place in culture and history through education. It is an education whose central element is dialogue, where each and every participant can, through words, enunciate the world and find in it, and in themselves, the elements that make possible a revolutionary praxis whose objective is the construction of a more just and supportive world. One of the countries where Freire participated in the reformulation of educational principles and didactic guidelines is Granada. This country, victim of the bloody European invasion at the beginning of the Modern Age, of the infamous process of enslavement of indigenous people and people stolen from Africa, and which later suffered the yoke of the oligarchic British administration, in the 70s knew how to develop one of the most organized and culturally rich revolutions in America. In this process, Freire is called by Granada revolutionary leaders, including Bishop and Creft, to collaborate in the reconstruction of the national school system. In this context, the article aims to describe, expose and substantiate this unprecedented experience.


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How to Cite

Costa da Silva, P. R., Alves dos Santos, A., & Ahumada, M. (2024). THE GRENADA REVOLUTION AND THE PARTICIPATION OF PAULO FREIRE IN THE REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT. Espirales Journal, 8(2), 83–111. Retrieved from



Dossiê: O legado de Paulo Freire na América Latina e Caribe

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